Daily Battles

Do not look at the circumstances

“Do not look for your strength in the ways of man says YAHUWAH. Look only to My life giving Word, the source of all truth and power. Just as live foods bring life and dead foods bring death, so it is with words. Learn to speak more and more words of life. It is the only way to defeat…

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The “crushing of the flesh” The Olive Press

“ I delight in your enquiring of Me. How I wish to impart more to you more and more for many reasons. Only through your spirit can these things work, enlighten and produce the fruit I desire. As you have partaken of My Word this morning, I have shown you the critical message of the grafting in of my…

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Think before you Speak

I asked Father Yahuwah (The Lord) a question about making decisions and how they impact what will be happening in the future. Remember, that everything you do as one of His chosen children has an impact. It builds upon the foundation provided by your faith in Christ. Regardless of whether what you did was good or bad, righteous or…

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Time Stealing Distractions

Today, we are reminded of how easy it is to lose focus! “Watch for the time stealing distractions! A little here, a little there-the chatter in your head grows louder and louder-‘maybe I could do this as well’ and on and on. All that happens is, you get moved away from your goals because you cease is to make…

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Understanding Money

This is a good practical understanding of steps to take to start being a “Good Steward” “What you see happening to believers in this economy, is the consequence of years spent mainly serving the spirit of mammon. Although you have not even realized it, the effects are highly evident. It is a pattern experienced by so many people, but…

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Avoiding Complacency

“Questions, questions always questions! It makes Me smile says YAHUWAH how people always have more questions in the hope that eventually, they will hear the answer that fits into the life they are creating for themselves to match their own preferences. Sometimes people are so busy asking questions that they cannot hear clearly to discern the answers that are…

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Living in “The Moment”

This is a powerful message we received about the importance of living in “The Moment”. “Imagine that life is like the pages of an unwritten book says YAHUAH ( The Lord). Each day you are given 24 blank pages and it is entirely your choice what is written on them. How would your book look? Would there be endless…

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Message for 2011

As the year of  2010 closed, we both prayed and asked the Lord for a word of guidance and encouragement for 2011 and also a Word that will serve as a “banner” over 2011. He gave us the message in the New years video as well these words that  He gave us on 1.1.11 ” Do not be afraid….

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Who is pulling your strings?

“Man cannot serve God & Mammon” We all know how religious types are in the habit of pulling one scripture out of the Bible, usually completely out of context, and then using it to support a position or a claim that they want to uphold, right? Well today’s topic may seem like me doing the same thing – but…

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